Beneath the Behavior
Head Start Harmony
CourseThrough the lens of the Enneagram, you’ll learn how to recognize your strengths, uncover hidden challenges, and reframe your approach so that you can positively impact the next generation while staying aligned with your own emotional well-being.
10 Brave Conversations
CourseProtect and nurture your child's emotional confidence with 10 Brave Conversations after the "hard places" in childhood.
Tune In Toolkit
CourseHow to teach your child to notice, name, and regulate emotions so that you can support their emotional confidence.
Calm the Chaos
CourseHow to calmly navigate behavioral issues and conflict in a way that models emotional intelligence and protects and nurtures connection.
Lifebooks for Kids Pkg
CourseFocused on your child's needs, this hybrid pkg of parent coaching & self-study was designed to support over the you as you make meaning of their story through creative connection, regulatory practices, and a therapeutic life book experience.