Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. Body Center (Sensing/Instinct)

    2. Emerging 8

    3. Emerging 9

    4. Emerging 1

    1. Heart Center (Feeling)

    2. Emerging 2

    3. Emerging 3

    4. Emerging 4

    1. Head Center (Thinking)

    2. Emerging 5

    3. Emerging 6

    4. Emerging 7

    1. Type 8

    2. Type 9

    3. Type 1

    4. Type 2

    5. Type 3

    6. Type 4

    7. Type 5

    8. Type 6

    9. Type 7

    1. Needs and Values Survey

    2. Harmony Traits

    3. My Harmony Blueprint

About this course

  • $799.00
  • 29 lessons

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