Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Workbook (Module 1)

    3. Selah Meditation - Time to Pause

    4. Journal Prompt Part 1 - Audio

    5. Journal Prompt Part 2 - Audio

    1. Zones of Regulation

    2. Selah Meditation - Wonder / Worried Child Meditation

    3. Workbook (Module 2)

    1. Attachment

    2. Selah Meditation - Inner Child

    3. ACEs Questionnaire

    4. Workbook (Module 3)

    1. Light and Shadow

    2. Selah Meditation - Self Compassion Audio

    3. Needs and Values Explained

    4. Needs & Values

    1. Narrative Tradition Paragraphs

    2. Enneagram Harmony

    3. Vices & Virtues Audio

    4. Enneagram Type Summaries

    1. The Mindful Mend

About this course

  • $675.00
  • 21 lessons

Here's what you'll get...

Everything you'll need to discover and transform your Inner Childhood Narrative using the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram and Attachment Theory combined with over 25 years of experience as a licensed therapist.

  • Needs and Values Questionnaire

  • Complete Enneagram Assessment

  • Access to the Selah Solution course with Downloads, Videos, and Audio Meditations

  • Five 1:1 Online Coaching Sessions with Susan

Reveal. Restore. Reimagine.